If you get a shiver every time you open your energy bill, your home may be too cool. More probable, though, is that you are overpaying for your heating and cooling costs. In any instance, you may make adjustments right now to ensure that your house is warm while also saving you money. Save the significant tasks, such as attic insulation or window replacement, for another day. They are cheap and straightforward methods that anybody may learn.
The most complex will take an afternoon on the weekend, but many will take little time and will not even need supplies, requiring only a change in one or two habits. Several others may be completed for less than $10. We’ll start with the basic things and then move to more sophisticated — but still straightforward — energy-saving methods.
Make Use of Your Curtains
Energy from the sun is completely free, so make use of it. During the day, raise your drapes and allow the sunshine to stream in to take advantage of the free heat. When it becomes dark, close your curtains, which serve as an additional insulation layer and help to retain the heat in your rooms. You should also check for leaks or holes to ensure that warm air is allowed to circulate and cold air is kept out – this will also aid in the reduction of humidity.
Fake Double Glaze
Even though double glazing is energy efficient, it is also costly. Instead of paying for something you can’t afford, why not pretend to be rich? According to Neuburg, a similar effect may be achieved using a unique film that can be applied on [single-glazed] windows, albeit to a lesser extent. Apply the film to the glass panel with double-sided tape but instead heats it to seal it in place with a hairdryer.
On the other hand, there are drawbacks. You won’t be ready to access your windows until you remove the sealant on the windows. However, a box of wallpaper to fill a medium-sized home would cost about £15, so it could be replaced from time to time as necessary.
A batch of window film, who lives in a home without a heating system and therefore has tiny windows, has lasted approximately two or three years. To assist seal any gaps around the borders of windows, self-adhesive polyurethane strips may be used. In the opinion of the Energy Saving Trust, metal or plastic strips with wipers or washers attached are a little more expensive, but they will last forever. Door draft excluders may also be placed around the joints and framing of doors to keep out the cold air.
Invest in Smart Devices
According to research conducted at the University of Salford, adding warming management and thermostatic radiator valves may result in power savings of up to 40% compared to a home that does not have any controls. Essentially, they operate by letting you set your heating to turn on and off at specific intervals – allowing you to consume energy just when you most need it.
Latest electronic thermostats can also be operated remotely through your mobile device, allowing you to switch on your heating while driving home, guaranteeing that your house is warm and welcoming when you return. You can also invest in a reliable wireless portable heater.
Insulate Your Floorboards
Unless properly insulated, floors may account for as much as 10 percent of total heat loss in a home, as per the National Energy Foundation (NEF). According to Potter, carpets were created for a specific purpose. Wooden flooring causes heat loss, which is a problem for homeowners. Rugs and blankets may assist in alleviating this problem, and they also offer the additional advantage of having your feet toasty while you sleep. The psychological aspect, according to Potter, is sometimes the deciding factor.
However, according to the National Floor Institute, if there are any cracks or holes in the flooring, it is a good idea to spray a little filling in them. Floorboards and skirting boards may contract, expand, or shift slightly as a result of daily usage. Therefore you should choose a filler that can withstand movement.
Homes that are too cold are detrimental to one’s health. Having difficulty paying your heating costs when your house is chilly and wet may hurt your health. Many problems and illnesses are associated with the cold, ranging from high blood pressure and ordinary colds to cardiovascular diseases and tuberculosis.
It is necessary to protect yourself from the effects of a decrease in temperature since cold weather may impair your body’s capacity to fight infections and illnesses. By remaining warm, you can improve your chances of staying healthy during winter.