Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle with Multiple Myeloma

a smiling person

• A balanced diet is essential if you have multiple myeloma to keep your energy up and strengthen your immune system. 

• Avoiding spicy and fried foods and strong odors can help reduce nausea caused by medications. 

• Participating in research studies and clinical trials can provide access to experimental treatments not available elsewhere.

• Stress management techniques can help improve the overall quality of life. 

• Joining a support group can give you a sense of community and emotional support.

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells in your bone marrow. Since there aren’t any known cures and treatments, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle when living with this illness. This will improve your overall quality of life and help you cope with the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. Here’s a look at how you can live a healthy lifestyle despite multiple myeloma.

Eating Right

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for anyone living with multiple myeloma. Eating nutritious meals helps to keep your energy levels up. It keeps your body strong enough to handle treatments and other daily activities.

Best Diet for Multiple Myeloma

Foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are especially important for those with multiple myeloma as they help boost the immune system and provide vital nutrients. Multiple myeloma can cause extreme fatigue, so eating foods high in energy-boosting nutrients, such as oats, quinoa, and legumes, is important.

Foods to Avoid

Dealing with multiple myeloma means taking a lot of medication. These medications can cause nausea and vomiting, so avoiding foods that are spicy, fried, or contain strong odors is important. Instead, choose foods at room temperature and bland such as crackers, potatoes, toast, rice, and pasta.

Participate in Research and Studies

Multiple myeloma can make it difficult to participate in physical activities, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay idle. Participating in multiple myeloma research and studies is a great way to help contribute to the search for treatments and cures for your illness. Many hospitals and universities offer clinical trials that allow people with multiple myeloma to participate in research. Participating in research and studies offers the following benefits:

  • Access to experimental treatments not available elsewhere
  • Participation in the decision-making process of the research study
  • Opportunity to network with other people with multiple myeloma
  • Chance to be active and contribute to the search for a cure

A medical technologist looking into a microscope inside a laboratory

Stress Management

Living with a chronic illness can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. Stress can aggravate symptoms and make it harder to cope with treatments. Finding ways to manage stress can make it easier to cope with multiple myeloma. Some stress-management techniques include the following:

Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a great way to relax and clear the mind from anxious thoughts. It helps to bring awareness to your body and environment, allowing you to focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on what has happened in the past or worrying about the future. Practice this by doing yoga, tai chi, or deep breathing.


Regular exercise is another key element of maintaining a healthy lifestyle despite multiple myeloma. Exercise helps keep your body fit, increases energy levels, improves mood, boosts immunity, and reduces fatigue associated with treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Talk to your doctor about what type of exercise will be best for you, depending on your current health status. Low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming are usually recommended for those living with multiple myeloma as they don’t put too much strain on the body while still providing many benefits.

Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to help the immune system recover from treatments and combat the symptoms of multiple myeloma. However, many people with multiple myeloma suffer from sleep disturbances due to fatigue, mood disturbances, and decreased physical function.

Your doctor can also prescribe sleeping medications to help you get a good night’s sleep. You can also help improve the quality of your sleep by limiting caffeine intake, establishing an evening routine that helps wind down before bedtime, and trying relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.

Find a Support Group

A support group for women with cancer

A support group can help take away your mind from stress and provide a sense of community. A support group can be found online or in your local area, and it’s a great way to connect with other people who are dealing with the same illness and provide emotional support.

By following a healthy lifestyle, you can manage the symptoms of multiple myeloma and maintain your overall quality of life. Talk to your doctor about what diet and exercise plan is best for you and other ways to reduce stress and improve sleep. Living with multiple myeloma does not mean you cannot live a healthy, happy life. You can continue to enjoy life despite this chronic illness with the right nutrition, exercise, and stress management techniques.

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