Placement Methods for Dental Veneers

Check color of tooth crown in a dental laboratory

Over 85% of people will only think of dental care if they are in considerable dental pain from one dental issue or another. If they have one or two imperfections which are causing no discomfort, they see no need for dental care.

While dental issues that only impact the beauty of your smile are generally referred to as cosmetic issues, this is a misleading term. This is because the issues might seem like they are only a cosmetic inconvenience, but they will also affect your overall dental health when left untreated.

In a Meridian-based cosmetic dentistry clinic, dental veneers are the most common treatment alternative for a range of issues. With their correct placement, dental veneers will improve the alignment of your teeth, close small gaps, repair damaged and chipped teeth and improve the look of discolored and worn out teeth.

There are different methods used for the placement of dental veneers. Here are some of the common ones.

Conventional Placement

Here, your dentist will grind the front side of your teeth about the same thickness as your veneers. An anesthetic will be used during the grinding process and the subsequent drilling of your teeth for the placement of veneers. After this process, temporary veneers will be placed on your teeth. Permanent teeth will be placed later on after the soreness to your gums has subsided.

Minimal Prep Placement

dentist measuring a toothIn this case, your veneers are ultra-thin and measure about 0.2mm rather than the 0.5mm in conventional veneers. There is a particular porcelain type used in minimal prep placement which shares similar properties and strengths as traditional porcelain veneers.

Minimal prep placement will need two dental visits, but the grinding and drilling of your teeth are less than that used in conventional veneer placement. The process is reversible since no enamel is shaved down.

Snap-On Placement

This is used for the placement of removable veneers. Although still relatively new, the snap-on placement option uses veneers made form a strong dental resin.

They are more or less like dentures which you can remove and clean daily. Snap-on placement is inexpensive, durable and the veneers are easy to clean though they might not look as authentic as other porcelain veneers.

No-Shots, No-Drilling Placement

Dental veneers come in various sizes. There are now lumineers that are wafer thin and can be bonded right on your teeth with minimal tooth preparation. This is because the veneers will not make your teeth look thicker than natural ones.

The no-shots, no-drilling procedure is also called the no-prep procedure and is mainly painless. Moreover, your dental veneers will be placed in one visit.

Although expensive, the convenience of this veneer placement alternative makes it worth it. Your dentist will need to ensure the veneers are relatively thick along your gum line edge to mask the tooth structure under the veneers.

These placement options make a difference in the longevity of your veneers after their placement and their look. Backstreet cosmetic centers have cropped up which offer the placement of veneers at a much lower cost compared to dental clinics. This might be tempting, but have yours placed by certified dentists to ensure the veneers do not affect your oral health.

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