The Complications of Diabetes – Things You Need To Know

  • Diabetes, a chronic ailment, can lead to cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, kidney disease, and eye complications.
  • High blood sugar levels can negatively affect your appearance, causing skin issues, slow wound healing, and hair loss.
  • Regular medical check-ups, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper medication can help manage diabetes.
  • Despite the severe nature of diabetes, with proper care and lifestyle adjustments, it can be manageable.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It happens when your blood sugar level is too high. Untreated diabetes can lead to severe complications that affect various body systems. If you or a loved one has diabetes, it is essential to understand the complications that can happen. This blog will discuss a few of the most significant complications associated with diabetes.

Cardiovascular Disease

The high sugar levels in your blood increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Diabetes can damage the blood vessels, leading to the thickening and hardening of arteries, making blood circulation difficult.

The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly among people with diabetes. It’s essential to control your blood sugar level and maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep.


Neuropathy is nerve damage that occurs when high blood sugar levels damage nerve fibers. This condition usually affects the legs and feet, causing pain, tingling, and numbness. People with diabetes may also experience loss of sensation in their limbs, making it challenging to notice cuts, sores, and infections.

Neuropathy can also affect other body parts, such as the digestive system, leading to constipation, diarrhea, and indigestion. Taking proper care of your feet, wearing comfortable shoes, and checking them regularly for injuries are essential. If you already have this condition, go to a neuropathy center immediately. This is a specialized medical facility that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neuropathy and related nerve disorders.

These centers employ a multidisciplinary approach to provide comprehensive care for patients. They are equipped with advanced technology to conduct nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and other diagnostic tests. Along with medication management, many centers offer physical therapy and pain management programs to help patients improve their quality of life.

Kidney Disease

Human kidneys

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney disease, known as diabetic nephropathy. This condition damages the kidneys’ tiny blood vessels, leading to kidney failure. People who have diabetes for an extended period or have uncontrolled blood sugar levels are more likely to develop kidney disease. It’s essential to monitor your blood pressure, take your medication as prescribed, and avoid smoking and alcohol consumption to prevent kidney damage.

Eye Complications

Diabetes can damage the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to eye complications. These complications include diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma. Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision loss.

Cataracts occur when the eye’s clear lens starts to cloud, leading to blurred vision. Glaucoma occurs when your eye pressure builds up, leading to vision loss and illness. To prevent eye damage, monitoring your blood sugar levels and getting regular eye exams is essential.

Effects on Your Appearance

Diabetes can also cause many unwanted changes in your appearance. Here are four of the most common ones:

Dry skin

High blood sugar levels can make your skin dry and itchy. This condition is called xerosis. To prevent this, you need to keep your skin hydrated by using moisturizers regularly and avoiding hot baths.

Acanthosis Nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans happens when your body produces too much insulin in response to high blood sugar levels, leading to dark patches on the neck, armpits, and groin area. This condition is harmless but can be embarrassing, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about how to manage it.

Slow wound healing

High blood sugar levels slow down the body’s ability to heal wounds, leading to infections and other complications. It’s essential to take care of any cuts or scrapes you get and seek immediate medical attention if the scars don’t heal.

Hair loss

Hair fall

Diabetes can cause thinning of hair or even baldness in some cases. This condition usually resolves itself when the blood sugar levels are brought under control. However, if it persists, you should talk to your doctor about other treatment options.

Understanding how diabetes can affect your appearance, you should take the necessary steps to keep your blood sugar levels under control.

The many complications of diabetes underscore the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and controlling blood sugar levels. Regular medical check-ups, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper medication can help manage diabetes and prevent these issues from escalating.

By being proactive about your health, you can live a full and active life, even with diabetes. Remember, diabetes is a serious condition, but it is manageable with the proper care and lifestyle adjustments. Always consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.

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