Three Ways to Remain Steady and Think Clearly in the Face of Major Life Changes

happy mother and daughter

Human beings tend to dislike uncertainty. It hampers our decision-making; uncertain situations can invoke multiple factors, and complicated decisions tax our willpower and make it harder to identify correct or optimal choices. We like to stay in our comfort zones and maintain routines. Even the more adventurous souls probably seek their thrills under controlled conditions, fitting travels within a well-organized schedule. Yet once in a while, major events happen, creating considerable and uncontrollable disruption in our lives. In the face of such changes, we can’t avoid uncertainty and are prone to making bad decisions. Here’s how you can remain steady in these situations.

Practice positivity and self-care

A divorce lawyer could no doubt fill your ear with tales of people who spiral out of control after their separation. However, major changes can be both negative and positive—having your first child is an example of the latter. Regardless of the nature of change, it’s vital to keep on practicing positivity and take good care of yourself.

Resist the urge to indulge in unhealthy snacks or treats, which can suddenly become more tempting due to the influence of stress. Proper nutrition and regular exercise will help you boost your mood and energy. A daily reflective practice, such as meditation or writing in a journal, can also prove helpful in terms of acknowledging the change in your life and eventually reframing it or finding how it can shape you for the better.

Seek or create a structure

elderly couple eating together

Big shake-ups in life can throw our established routines into disorder and even call the rest of our structure into question. Throughout the process of adjustment, it’s essential to continue to seek or create a structure in your daily life.

Identify the existing elements of your routine that can still be maintained, such as going for a jog around the neighborhood at 8 AM or reporting for your usual work shift. Don’t overdo it, though. You might feel a temptation to throw yourself into work and spend extra hours at the office as a distraction. But it’s better to plan and organize each day into specific and time-bound components that you can easily translate into action. This will help reduce the uncertainty you face each day and allow you to acclimate to the impacts of change in your life gradually.

Give yourself a few breaks

Many well-meaning people will advise their loved ones to take an extended break and give themselves some time to deal with a major life change. There’s nothing wrong with that; after all, parents file for leave all the time after having a child, and it’s the same for those who have just lost someone important. But it’s not only the big breaks you should think of—we all need small breaks throughout the day, even under normal circumstances.

In addition to their well-studied benefits for productivity and creativity, frequent short breaks will help alleviate stress and let you recover from decision fatigue. As you take on the challenge of adjusting to your new life day by day, this is an invaluable method of ensuring your well-being and sound decision-making.

Everyone has a unique way of responding to changes in life, and our support networks can offer a lot in terms of coping with the situation. However, uncertainty and its effects on your choices can often go unnoticed. By practicing these techniques, you can stay calm and think clearly as you move on.

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