Gadget Use: Teaching Your Children to Be Responsible


In this age of information and technology, almost everything in our lives is affected by tools and devices. At the office, we’re typing away on our computers, and when we’re cooking, we use intricate electric tools for cooking our meals. Even when we’re planting crops on farms, we use vehicles and machinery to get the job done as soon as possible. With all of these said, machines and tools are supposed to help us with our daily problems.

However, these devices can also become an impediment to our productivity. While there’s no problem with entertainment and using technology for our leisure, it can be abused by children and even adults.

In some cases, children and teenagers use smartphones, consoles, and computers to play video games or browse social media. Usually, children won’t have the same self-control as a responsible working adult. They will often lead to them sinking an unnecessary amount of hours into video games and entertainment platforms.

With an uptick of video games, social media platforms, and video streaming applications, 93% of children in the United Kingdom play video games as a pastime and a hobby. Since we want our children to have been out and building good relationships with other kids, making them stay at home is counter-intuitive to their growth. As such, it’s only rational that we teach them responsible use of gadgets.

Responsible Gadget Use

Even though gadgets and tools are designed to make work more efficient and less time-consuming, it can be one reason why most young students get a slump in productivity and grades.

Here are different ways of reminding your child of responsible gadget use:

Balance Gadget Use

First and foremost, be clear with your child that you are not banning gadgets use outright. Although, there might be a chance that it could happen should they not heed your warnings. The key to ensuring that your child gets this point is by giving them a balance for each activity. Instead of letting them play on their phones, you can give them a better option by introducing sports. Some parents would suggest limiting gadget use to at least 2 hours a day.

By strictly setting up rules, you can ensure that your child’s time spent in front of their console or hand-held device is kept at a minimum. Some smartphones include a parental control feature, which helps ensure that the gadget’s activities can be monitored and limited.

Remember, the main point is to help them find a balance of activities that can help them learn and grow. Being authoritative with what they should be watching, doing, or playing can only alienate them. Show them that there is a better option than staring on their device’s screen all day long.

Work and Reward

Rewards are your bargaining chip in ensuring that your child will be able to know the judgment between studying and playing. Most of the time, it will take 66 days before a child will develop behaviour. As such, it’s essential to make your child’s conditioning day by day.

Meritocracy can play an essential part in ensuring that your child knows that there should be a right balance between work and play. While playing with consoles can help increase creativity and skill, this does not.

Reach a middle ground with your child to be letting them know that they will get a reward for working or studying hard. Do they have a smartphone or PDA that needs repair? You might be able to motivate them to get better grades by promising them a PDA repair after they’ve kept their end of the bargain.

Meritocracy helps build an excellent positive relationship between you and your child. Still, it also teaches them how to make deals with others, which can come in handy in the business world.

Constant Reminders


Last but not least, don’t be too harsh on your child. We understand that you might be teaching them a lesson on how to manage their priorities properly, but asserting too much authority will only lead to rebellion. As such, give them some options and some space to grow. Always remind them of what

Teaching your child behaviour and a principle will take time and effort. Having a balance of both authority and respect will help your child grow for the better.

Communication is a two-way street, and the best way of reaching out to your child is by commanding both respect and authority by building a lasting relationship with them. Let them know that there needs to be a balance between time being spent with gadgets and time for interaction with friends and loved ones. The behaviour and manners that they will learn during this age will be a deciding factor for their success when they are older.

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