The world we now live in is full of negativity. News of the pandemic and the increasing number of cases continue to replace peace with fears in our hearts. With kids out of school and unable to play with their friends, they are easily annoyed, bored, and disconnected. With our rising stress levels and responsibilities, it can be quite easy to turn to spanking in disciplining kids. But what children need now more than ever is your love, support, and a nurturing environment at home.
One movement that is helping transform the world into a better place is the New Generations ministry. The Disciple Making movement is helping us become obedient and loving people of God. Adopting their principle and building a nurturing home out of positive parenting can help you achieve a better environment for your kids.
But the question is, how can you start embracing positive parenting for your kids?
Compliment Your Kids on Their Positive Acts
Most parents feel obliged to only comment on the negative things their kids do on a daily basis. The constant nagging, criticizing, punishing, and threatening won’t help to build a confident, kind, and well-adjusted adult. Instead of focusing on the negatives, choose to compliment them on every good deed they do.
These can be as little acts as opening the door for you or making their bed after waking up each morning. When we focus on the good things they do, kids will be motivated to continue their good deeds. They will start recognizing the fact that all of their good deeds are always appreciated.
Remind yourself to praise your kids throughout the day. Encourage good habits and use kind and gentle language. Avoid expecting perfection and never tell add criticism when complimenting or praising them.
Promote a Friendly Atmosphere at Crucial Times of the Day
There are numerous times of the day that kids require your warmth and affection. This includes the moment they wake up, before they start school, after learning hours, and before they head to sleep. Creating a friendly atmosphere during these times can help them manage their stress better.
Whenever they wake, greet them a good morning and remind them of their daily chores. Before bedtime, ask if they washed up, brushed, and flossed their teeth. Before they go to school, wish them a great day, and greet them with warm words after school.
As much as possible, make meals and eat them together as a family. Keep gadgets and distractions away and focus on asking how each member’s day went. Save family meals for private talks and include kids in the conversation concerning them.
Treat Your Kids with Respect
Many parents don’t respect their kids. They think teasing kids with names is okay since they are the adults in the family. But this can already shape a negative mentally in your young children’s minds.
Always use kind words to your kids. Speak to them with respect and teach them how to talk politely to adults. Be a good role model and choose your words wisely.
Avoid Reacting Out of Anger
Kids will be kids and will make mistakes that will test your patience. They can end up saying hurtful words and disrespect you in more ways than one. Instead of reacting out of anger, choose to calm yourself first before addressing the issue.
Show your kids how you can handle big emotions in a healthy way. Validate their emotions and never dismiss their feelings. Be willing to listen to what they have to say, be emphatic to your children, and think of they would feel before you open your mouth
Join the Kids with Empathy During Moments of Negative Feelings
Most parents would resort to spanking and other consequences when trying to discipline their children. Remember that there is no quick fix to your kids’ behavior. No matter how often and how hard you try such a method, it will only do more damage than help your kids rectify their issues.
Keep in mind that your child is a separate individual. He has his own feelings and way of thinking. You want to make him feel like he can talk to you whenever he has negative feelings he can’t understand or control.
Focus on improving communication between you and your child. Learn what led them to feel hurt, mad, frustrated, or jealous. Teach them how they can handle each situation accordingly. Don’t add pain to your kids’ hurt and instead, work together so you both can find a viable solution.
There is no shortcut to parenting. You will learn how to be a positive parent while guiding your child to become a better Christian. You can do this not by inflicting pain or making them afraid of you. Choose to do this by providing your children with a nurturing environment in the comfort of their own home.